Godparent's Day is the annual celebration on the third Sunday in July of those special people who assume the sacred charge of the spiritual health and well-being of a child.
On Godparent's Day, we honor the godparents of our past, thank the godparents supporting our children today, and look ahead to strengthen godparent relationships in the future. The role of a godparent is a longstanding, rich tradition, practiced across many faiths and countries around the world. Godparents provide support through faith-based milestones, and encourage character, values, and decision-making skills that contribute to community-focus and good citizenship. Godparent relationships extend support networks for families, creating mutual commitments and shared responsibilities for the growth and development of children and teens. So, we celebrate godparents annually and their enduring contributions to children and families.
Godparent's Day is celebrated by godchildren, families, worship communities, businesses and anyone, whose life has been impacted by the spiritual guidance, caring and support of a godparent. Godparent's Day is traditionally celebrate in four ways: through in-sanctuary or online religious worship, charitable giving, volunteerism, and gatherings between godparents, godchildren, their families and worship communities.
Godparent's Day has become a refreshing, summer outreach event for many houses of worship. Registration helps godparents find your house of worship, or your online virtual worship services, on Godparent's Day. If you are a pastor, rector, or senior house of worship board leader, you can apply to register your house of worship for Godparent's Day. We direct inquiring godparents to registered houses of worship, exclusively, for Godparent's Day worship and gatherings. We are always excited to assist registered houses of worship through free consultative services for Godparent's Day Planning, too!
Businesses and activity venues can also welcome godparents, families and worship communities on Godparent' s Day. We share the special offers and related events, conducted by Godparent's Day Business Participants, with godparents, families and worship communities through our online venues and publications. A range of businesses, from restaurants and museums to retail shopping outlets and ball parks, can celebrate Godparent's Day. If you are a business or facility owner planning to welcome godparents and families on Godparent's Day, or the corresponding weekend, register with us, so we can share the news!
Houses of worship and non-profit organizations often work in parallel to support people in need. Homeless youth have special needs that often go unaddressed, and we work in synergy alongside established non-profit organizations dedicated to youth homelessness. During Godparent's Day, we organize participating houses of worship, in gathering socks to support the needs of the shelter at Covenant House-Illinois. They provide food, shelter, counseling and other wrap-around services for youth ages 18-24 yrs., navigating life without a home and shelter. Participating houses of worship begin collecting new, unworn socks on Godparent's Day and continue over a few weeks. Then, we help transport select donations to Covenant House. It's that easy! Visit our contact page and reach out to us, if your house of worship wants to tackle youth homelessness, one pair of socks at a time, in honor of godparents.
Learn more about some of the businesses and their promotions in support of godparents on Godparent's Day!
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