While the peri-ceremony activities of godparents often get considerable attention within congregations and amongst clergy and families, most of the substantive work of godparents occurs long after the ceremony concludes. Our godparent workshops, conducted within congregations or in the community, support them in their charge during the post-ceremony period, to encourage sustained engagement with growing godchildren.
Our Godparent-Congregation Compass Program is a customized outreach program for godparent engagement within houses of worship to launch and support godparent ministries. Godparent engagement galvanizes this intergenerational resource, to strengthen them in their sacred charge and connect them to your house of worship's youth ministries, activities and programming.
Catalyst Programs are customized youth programs developed within houses of worship to accelerate youth engagement, ministries & programming. Catalyst supports houses of worship in building community relationships, program content, digital strategies and event planning coordination to encourage sustained connectivity with youth.
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