Godparent stories reflect the rich history of godparent-godchild relationships across denominations and cultures. Hear a moving story of loss, parenting and godparent success!
Congratulations in your new charge, as godparent! You are beginning a joyful journey with a child and a family, poised to elevate commitment to the growth of your faith, as well. Our Godparent Magazine: Expectations provides a practical approach, collaborating with parents to build meaningful godparent relationships.
Godparent relationships are traditionally started through baptism. While your officiant will provide details and doctrine of the ceremony's religious meaning, this pastor's fresh perspective clarifies the practical impact of baptism on our lives.
PTC is an acronym, a reminder for godparents to engage godchildren broadly and build godparent relationships thoughtfully. Integrate these three activities regularly to design memorable and impactful godparent relationships.
P is for Pray
Godparents share the responsibility with parents for nurturing and modelling the foundational skill of praying for godchildren and godteens. While the methodology of prayer may vary, praying is a vehicle for communication with God, discernment of His plan for us, and for ultimately building a lasting relationship with Him. The discipline of praying is a practice that can mature and develop over time and with age. So, godparents have an opportunity to support the spiritual development of godkids and godteens by nurturing and strengthening their prayer skills.
Weekly worship services, traditional Sunday school and play, bible studies classes, vacation bible school and parochial school experiences, all familiarize children and teens with formal prayers. But godparents and parents often introduce praying to children earlier and in less formal ways. At meals, as an example, encouraging kids to lead grace at the table, conveys the importance of integrating prayer into daily life activities. Godparents can supplement bedtime reading for young kids with books, songs or videos featuring common prayers. As they grow, godparents can encourage godkids and godteens to integrate prayer more broadly, supporting behavior and character development, decision-making, coping mechanisms and celebrations.
Clergy can be an excellent resource for godparents regarding resources for godkids and godteens growing their prayer skills. Additionally, children’s ministry leaders within your godchild’s house of worship may also suggest materials, exercises and experiences to strengthen prayer skills, appropriate given denominational affiliation. Additionally, our newsletter includes helpful tips for our Subscriber Insiders to keep godkids and godteens prayerfully connected. Books, letters, rosaries, prayer cards and the like, given to you as a godchild, can support prayerful habits as well, while serving as an heirloom memento from you to your godchild. Regardless of your choice of resources, reach out to your godkids and godteens often and regularly to pray with them, pray for them and encourage integrating prayer in their daily lives.
T is for Teach
Many godparents are chosen, in part, for their perceived ability to impart background and understanding of theological teachings, as well as contribute to the development of academic skills for godchildren and godteens. Discussions with your godchild’s parents, as described in our Godparent Magazine, Expectations, should help discern whether educational support was a consideration within your selection, as godparent. Teachable moments can happen almost anytime you are connecting with your godchildren. A trip to the barbershop can spark conversations about transforming talents into careers. Young girls can be guided to find inspiration in the biblical stories of strong women like Esther and Ruth. An afternoon pitching session can include physics pearls to better predict the ball’s trajectory out of your hand. Almost any moment can serve as an opportunity to share a little wisdom or provide guidance to your godkids. Currently godparents, positioned to provide sound guidance in theological and religious teachings, specific traditional academic subjects, post-secondary trade training options, or pre-college preparation and related counseling, can be particularly impactful in supporting kids, teens and families. Young people are experiencing education losses due to pandemic-related interruption of in-person traditional learning in schools and cancellation of in-sanctuary children’s ministry and programming over the last couple of years. So, academically adept godparents can be extremely impactful, working synergistically with parents, to find vacation bible school experiences, standardized test preparation experiences, summer science camps, etc. to bolster learning skills and foster subject mastery for kids and teens.
C is for Celebrate
Celebrating milestones is one of the joys of being a godparent! Many godparents celebrate school success, sports field triumphs, graduations, birthdays and holidays with their godkids and godteens. Adding celebrations of baptismal anniversaries, first holy communion, confirmations and the like as well, highlights the unique spiritual nature of this special relationship. While gifts are common within godparent relationships, the godchild-godparent bond becomes stronger between gifts.
If every visit with your godkids and godteens includes prayerful moments, wisdom exchange and milestone celebration, you will be well on your way to making a lasting impact as a godparent.
Houses of worship often offer formal preparations and counseling for godparents before baptism. They welcome godparents to worship services and post-service activities annually on Godparent's Day, the third Sunday in July. In honor of godparents on that holiday they may coordinate charitable giving or volunteer activities in honor of godparents. Godparent ministries within houses of worship expand outreach, meaningfully connecting congregations with those directly charged with the spiritual growth of their upcoming generations. We launch customized godparent ministries for select houses of worship through our Compass Program, working alongside congregation leadership teams. Find out more now about the benefits of godparent ministries within houses of worship!
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